Creatures of Ruin

Creatures of Ruin

$20.95* In-stock (last updated 12/18/2024)

In the future, everything is crabs...

Human cities sunk into the fractured ground, killing off nearly the entire race. The final human city, Bastion, is on the coast of the Infinite Ocean. One side faces the sea, and the other faces the endless wasteland, the dusts, where the monsters roam.

The land has been overtaken by crab monsters known as desertwalkers. Desertwalkers range in size and shape, but they’re massive, carnivorous, and equipped with claws. No one dares go beyond the city walls of Bastion, except the scavengers, who dig in the dusts in hopes of recovering ancient technology that they can sell. The scavengers must learn to live amongst the desertwalkers, and in doing so they must learn to either fight them, or coexist.

Play as human scavenger, using a d6 system, OR as four different kinds of desertwalker, using a d20 system, and choose a path of peace or destruction. Scavenge materials, protect your territory, and learn about your fellow desert-dwellers in Alex Kingsley's Creatures of Ruin TTRPG based on the world of Empress of Dust!

Creatures of Ruin is a tabletop roleplaying game for 2-6 players. You can play either a giant crab-monster inhabiting the wastelands of Earth after the Great Quakes, or as a desperate human scavenger, trying to live on pieces of Earth's ancient past.

Will you fight to survive, or befriend an alien species?

Publisher: Space Wizard Science Fantasy

Category: Role Playing Games

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