Faktionz ov da Grymdark Imperivm

Faktionz ov da Grymdark Imperivm

$10.00* In-stock (last updated 02/07/2025)

This is a work of satire. I repeat, satire!

Everything about the Imperivm is shitty. If you identify with the Imperivm, you are shitty. If you’d like to join the Imperivm, you are shitty. If you think the Imperivm must be given the chance to make their case (shitty as we may find it) before jumping to any conclusions, you are shitty.

Be not shitty!

Inspired by a certain wargame the reader may or may not know, we present to you Faktionz Ov Da Grymdark Imperivm, a bestiary/factions sourcebook for use with Troika! (or whatever, chief).

Inside you will find:
• 6 factions, locked in a death spiral towards mutually-assured oblivion
• 12 new creatures to use as your campaign's heavies, from Vampire Thaumaturge Kings to giant floating clown faces (terrifying!)
• 28 pages of the edgiest material ever committed to paper. So much edge...

So grab your standard and your sword-of-chains and blast off!

For use with the other world's greatest game, Troika!

Publisher: Exalted Funeral Press

Category: Role Playing Games

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