Punch Drunk Love Vol. 2

Punch Drunk Love Vol. 2

$21.99* In-stock (last updated 06/22/2024)


After getting not just one, but two passionate encounters with manager Jeong Tae-moon, finance worker Park Seon-woo is on cloud nine. The problem? Mr. Jeong is completely turned off by everything from Seon-woo’s frumpy appearance to his sloppy oral technique. Desperate to keep living his ultimate fantasy come true, Seon-woo works hard to improve himself and become a man worthy to stand at Mr. Jeong’s side…or just to crouch on hands and knees as Mr. Jeong’s footstool! Could he even dare hope to become Mr. Jeong’s exclusive lover? Maybe if he ditches those Coke-bottle glasses…


Category: Manga

Release Date: 06/11/2024

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